Dr. Suresh Babu V Professor and Dean Research
- vsb@cet.ac.in, deanresearch@cet.ac.in
- 9495502300
- Room No.:
- GATE Coaching Class, (SSD), CET, ECE 2010-2014
- Solid State Devices
- VLSI Engineering
- Digital Electronics
- Signals and Systems
- Nanoelectronics
- VLSI Circuit Design (UG)
- VLSI Circuit Design (PG)
- Nanomaterials and Characterization (PG)
- CAD for VLSI (PG)
- CMOS Circuit Design (PG)
- Electronic Devices Lab, Electronic Circuits Lab, Digital Electronics Lab, AIC Lab
Brief Profile:
- He started his career as lecturer in Electronics and Communication Engineering at CET in July 1989.
- In Feb 1990 he joined Keltron and served there for more than a year.
- In June 1991 he started his career in Technical Education as Assistant professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
- He worked at various positions in College of Engineering Trivandrum, GCE Kannur, GEC, Idukki, GEC Barton Hill and GEC Wayanad.
- He has also served as Controller of Examinations, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.
- Presently he is officiating as Professor Dean Research.
- B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from TKM College of Engineering, University of Kerala
- M.Tech. in Integrated Electronic Devices and circuits from IIT Madras
- Ph.D. in Design and analysis of CMOS based neurons from College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
Research areas:
Solar Photovoltaics, Nanotechnology
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8024-2621
Google Scholar Link:
- He has written books on Solid state devices and Basic Electronics.
- Guided several PG and Ph. D scholars.
- Has 14 SCI indexed international journal publications and several scopus indexed and other journals and conference publications.
- Received best paper awards for co-authored papers (3 times).
Other responsibilities:
- Dean Research, College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
- Head, CET Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (CCIR)
- Member governing Body, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, (Autonomous)
- Member, Academic Committee of Polytechnic colleges in Kerala
- Dean Academics, Government Engineering College, Wayanadu.
- Chairman IQAC, Government Engineering College, Wayanadu.
- Member BoG, Government Engineering College, Wayanadu Jan-Sept 2021.
- Member BoG, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill 2019-20.
- Member BoG, Government Engineering College, Kozhikod 2019-20.
- Member BoG, Cooperative Institute of Technology, Trikkaripur, 2019-20.
- Member BoG, Rajiv Gandhi institute of Technology, Kottayam, 2019-20.
- Controller of Examinations, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 17-08-2019 to 16-08-2020
- Head of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill 01-06-2016 to 22-03-2019.
- Member Academic Council, University of Kerala, Dec 2012 to Dec 2016
- Chairman Board of Studies Electronics, University of Kerala 2008 to 2012
- Member workload assessment Committee, directorate of Technical Education, 2016 to 2018
- Coordinator, Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP), Government Engineering College , Idukki, Jan 2014 to June 2014
- TEQIP Procurement Coordinator and Purchase coordinator, Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 2005 to 2012
- Nodal Officer, Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC), TEQIP, GEC, Idukki, June 13 to Jan 2014
- Convener curriculum committee, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
- IEEE Student Branch Counselor, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, from July 2014 to May 2016
- PG Coordinator, Government Engineering College, Idukki, 2013 to 2014.
- Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Communication and Signal processing, GEC, Idukki, March 2014
- Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Energy Power Electronics and Control, GEC, Idukki, March 2014
- Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Computing and Communication, GEC, Idukki, March 2014
- Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Information Security and Network Engineering, GEC, Idukki, March 2014
- Coordinator, Sponsorship Committee, MSO9, AMSE Conference, 2009
- Coordinator, Publication Committee, International Conference on Control Communication and computing, CCC, 2009
- Member, Organizing committee, CETEX 2015
- Department Coordinator, RUSA, 2014
- Member Organizing Committee of ICTT, 2010
- Chairman Board of Valuation, University of Kerala, 2013,15,16
- Coordinator General Arrangement Committee, National Conference on Technological trends NCTT, 2013
- Technical Programme Committee Co chair ICCC, 2013
- Nodal Officer Faculty and Staff Development TEQIP III, GEC, Barton Hill.
- Member inspection committee, Kerala University.
- Chairman Board of Valuation, KU
Talks Delivered:
- Introduction to Outcome based Accreditation, Central Polytechnic, Thiruvananthapuram, August 2021.
- Introduction to Accreditation and Outcome Based Education, online talk for the faculty of Government Engineering College, Wayanad June 2021.
- Introduction to OBE, Joint Directors and Principals of Polytechnics in Kerala, organised by SITTTR, March 2021
- Introduction to OBE, HoDs and curriculum committee members of Polytechnics in Kerala, organised by SITTTR, March 2021
- Advances in Semiconductor Devices, GEC, Idukki, organised as VFS under TEQIP, GEC, Idukki Nov-Dec 2020..
- Bipolar Junction Transistors, online Short Term Training Programme at TKM college of Engineering, Kollam, August 2020.
- Outcome Based Education, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (to curriculum committee members), May 2019.
- Outcome Based Education, 3, 5 July 2019, College of Engineering Trivandrum
- Outcome Based Education, Department of electronics and Communication, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, 25-07-2018
- Advances in Semiconductor Physics, Sree Chithra Thirunal College of Engineering, Pappanamcode, Sep 2017
- Physics of Nanoelectronic Devices, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, April 2014
- Fundamentals of Solid State Devices, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, March 2014
- VLSI Scaling Issues, Saintgits, Pala, Jan 2014
- Introduction to VLSI, LBSIT for Women, Poojappura, September 2013
- VLSI to Nanoelectronics, National Conference at SJC, Palai, 2012
- MOSFET Theory, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, Oct, 2012
- Nanoelectronic Devices, STC on Nanoelectronics, ECE Dept, CET, Jan 2012
- Single Electron Transistor, STC on Nanotechnology, Marian Engineering College, TVM, Dec 2011
- CMOS Circuit Design, SHM, Kadackal, Sept 2011
- Basics of Semiconductor Devices, LBT, Thiruvananthapuram, Oct 2009
- Scaling in CMOS VLSI, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, April 2009