Lab in charge:
- Faculty: Prof. Viji R
- Technical Staff: Mr. Sajayan S
Details of Labs conducted:
This course aims to:
- Familiarize the students with Assembly Language Programming of modern microcontrollers.
- Impart the skills for interfacing the microcontroller with the help of Embedded C/Assembly Language Programming.
Part A (At least 6 experiments are mandatory)
These experiments shall be performed using 8051 trainer kit. The programs shall be written either in embedded C or in assembly language.
1 Data transfer/exchange between specified memory locations.
2 Largest/smallest from a series.
3 Sorting (Ascending/Descending) of data.
4 Addition / subtraction / multiplication / division of 8/16 bit data.
5 Sum of a series of 8 bit data.
6 Multiplication by shift and add method.
7 Square / cube / square root of 8 bit data.
8 Matrix addition.
9 LCM and HCF of two 8 bit numbers.
10 Code conversion – Hex to Decimal/ASCII to Decimal and vice versa.
Part B (At least 4 experiments are mandatory)
Interfacing experiments shall be done using modern microcontrollers such as 8051 or ARM. The interfacing modules may be developed using Embedded C.
1 Time delay generation and relay interface.
2 Display (LED/Seven segments/LCD) and keyboard interface.
3 ADC interface.
4 DAC interface with wave form generation.
5 Stepper motor and DC motor interface.
6 Realization of Boolean expression through port.