Golden Jubilee Activities Inaugurated
College of Engineering Trivandrum (CET), one of the pioneer engineering colleges in India, has its foundation rooted back in 1939. The Department of Electronics and Communication was established in this college in 1965. The undergraduate program on Electronics and Communication engineering was started with an intake of 33 students. Currently, the department offers: B. Tech degree programs on Electronics and Communication Engineering, Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, M. Tech degree programs on Microwave and Television Engineering, Applied Electronics and Instrumentation, Signal Processing and newly introduced Micro and Nano Electronics.
The year 2015 marks the golden jubilee celebrations of ECE Dept. It was celebrated without the pomp and celebrations usually associated with such events. Instead concentration was given to programs targeted to enhance the knowledge and skill of both the faculty and the students. The one year long celebration includes alumni lecture series, various workshops, exhibitions etc.
The celebration was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala Shri. Oommen Chandy on 9th September 2015 4pm in the Diamond Jubilee Hall, CET. Prof. V Santhakumari, Senior Joint Director, Dept of Technical Education gave the welcome address. The Hon’ble Minister for Education, Govt of Kerala, Shri P K Abdu Rabb presided over the function and declared the formal inauguration of the PG programme- Micro and Nano Electronics. Chief Minister along with Minister for Education laid the foundation stone of the Golden Jubilee PG and Research Block of ECE Dept, staff apartments and CET Center for Interdisciplinary Research. Presentation of technical report was done by Shri Ansar M, Executive engineer, Special Buildings PWD. Felicitation address was given by Shri M. Sherif, Additional Secretary, Dept of Higher Education, Smt. Sini V.R, Councilor Thiruvananthapuram Cooperation, Shri R. Umamaheswaran, Project Director, GSLV, VSSC,Thiruvananthapuram (alumni of ECE Dept), Shri. S. Narayanan, Vice president and Centre Head, QuEST Global, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram (alumni of ECE Dept.), Shri D Krishnamoorthy, Vice President, Parent Teacher Association, CET. Shri Visakh, student of Architecture Dept who designed the logo for the Golden Jubilee of ECE Dept was awarded a memento as a token of appreciation. The program concluded by vote of thanks by Dr. J. David, Principal CET. The whole ceremony came to an end by 5pm.
The ECE Dept has charted out the following programs to be conducted as part of the year long celebrations:
1. New M.Tech course in Micro and Nano Electronics.
2. Focus on funded projects
3. Collaboration with reputed foreign universities/labs
4. Students development programs
5. Golden jubilee lecture series
6. Strengthening of laboratories
7. Alumni networking
8. Open hardware initiative kerala
9. Alumni lecture series
10. Startup schemes
11. Vision document 2025
12. Golden jubilee souvenir
13. Golden jubilee alumni meet
14. Mini project and Final year Project Exposition
15. Industry/community interaction