An Expert Talk under Visiting Faculty Scheme On Recent trends in VLSI Industry and project opportunities under TrEST Research park is held at Dept. of Electronics & Communication on 12/04/2023. The program was conducted at Seminar Hall, Dept of ECE.
The Resource Person was Jyothis Indirabhai who is the CEO and co-founder of a semiconductor startup, Netrasemi. Netrasemi is building advanced system-on-chips for accelerating AI/ML processing in edge IoT applications. Mr. Jyothis has 27 years experience in semiconductor domain as part of Intel Corporation, Hitachi Engineering Japan and a couple of highly successful startups in California. He authored 8 granted US patents and 8 pending US patent applications. He worked as design manager and micro-architect for Intel’s GPU (internal graphics) core and multiple generations of Intel mobile chipsets and mobile SoCs.
The program was intended for ECE and AEI students for making aware of Solar projects and give a hands-on session. Total of 100 students have attended.