Dr. Binu L S Professor
- binuls@cet.ac.in
- 9447343160
- Room No:
Process Control
Control Systems
Biomedical Instrumentation
Transducers and Instrumentation
B.Tech (Electronics &Communication Engineering) from Mahatma Gandhi University (Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam)
M.Tech (Applied Electronics & Instrumentation) from College of Engineering Trivandrum
PhD (Electronics & Communication Engineering) from Kerala University
Ph D Thesis: Modeling and Simulation of Human Left Main Coronary Bifurcation and Characterization
Papers in Journals : 4
Papers in Conferences : 43
Total Experience:
Teaching in Engineering College : 20 Years
Research Experience : 4 Years
Membership in professional organizations
Life Member of ISTE
Member of IAENG ( International Association of Engineers)
Expert Lectures Delivered:
- Delivered an Expert Lecture titled “ Application of CFD for Coronary Block Detection” in the Short Term Training Program on ‘Recent Trends in BioMedical Signal Processing” ( 20 – 30th April 2015) organised by the Dept. Of Electronics & Communication Engg.. Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering Trivandrum
- Delivered an Expert Lecture titled “ Sensors in Automation” in the Short Term Training Program on ‘Robotics & Industrial Automation” ( 1 – 6th 2014) organised by the Dept. Of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum
- Delivered an Expert Lecture Titled “ Modelling & Simulation of Human Left Main Coronary Bifurcation & Characterization” in the One day WorkShop (4-12-2014) organised by the Dept. Of Electronics & Communication Engg.. L.B.S. Institute of Technology for Women, Poojappura, Trivandrum
- Delivered invited talk on ‘Programmable Logic Controllers’, at Women’s Polytechnic, Karamana during June 2014 and 2015.
- Delivered an expert lecture titled Sensors in Automation in the short term training program on Robotics & Industrial Automation on 6th December 2014, at the of Electrical Engg., College of Engineering Trivandrum.
- Delivered an Expert Lecture in the FDP on Advances in Non Linear Control, 6th April 2016, College of Engineering Kidangoor.
Conferences/ Paper Presentations Chaired:
- Chaired the National Conference (NCACICT 2013) at LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Poojappura, organized by of ECE and CSE, LBSITW, Poojappura during 2013.
- Chaired the National Conference (2016) at LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Poojappura, organized by of ECE and CSE, LBSITW, Poojappura during 2016.
- Chaired the 3rd International Conference on control Communication & Computing (ICCC-2015) 19-11-2015 to 20-11-2015, College of Engineering Trivandrum
- Chaired Session in The International Conference on Technology innovation in Mechatronics, Energy Management and Intelligent Communication (ICTIMEMIC-2018) at Lourdes Matha College of Science & Technology, Trivandrum 26th and 27th April 2018
- Worked as one of the team leaders in successfully completing 100 numbers of Pulse Oximeters from College of Engineering Trivandrum – “CET Oxymonitor” which is released by honorable Health Minister of Kerala and handed over to General Hospital, Trivandrum for rapid screening of COVID-19 suspects.
- Won the Certificate of Merit (Best Paper Award) for the paper presented at the World Congress on Engineering 2012, held at Imperial College, London, U.K. during July 2012.
- Received Grant of Rs. 1.3 lakhs from UGC for attending the International Conference at Imperial College, London, during July 2012.
- Completed Task Based Training (TBT-2017) of IIT Bombay, Jan-April 2017 as part of E-Yantra Lab Setup Initiative.
Other responsibilities held:
- Coordinator – BOSCH Centre of Excellence
- Campus Ambassador BOSCH
- Senior Faculty Advisor (M.Tech –AE&I)
- Principal Investigator of two funded projects : Intelligent Wheel Chair and Automated PCB Drilling Machine, from Centre for Engineering Research and Development – CERD (Rs.100000) during 2013-14.
- An amount of Rs. 50,000 is sanctioned from CERD for the project ‘Automatic Milk Tester’, during 2014-15.
- College of Engineering Trivandrum Alumni Association (CETAA) executive committee member during 2011-2012.
- CETAA News letter Editor during 2013-14.
- CETAA Joint Secretary during 2014-15.
- Administrative assistant in the University Examination wing during 2003 to 2008.
- Management representative of ISO activities in the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering. (2003-..)
- Reviewer of International Conference on Control and Computing ICCC-13, organized by College of Engineering, Trivandrum during Dec 2013.
- Member of the Expert committee constituted by the University of Kerala for assessing the facilities of Engineering Colleges for M.Tech Courses.
- Worked as Resource person, Technical Committee member and Purchase Committee member in the ‘BOSCH Center of Excellence in Automation Technologies’, for training in interdisciplinary area.
- Member of Question Paper Setting and Scrutiny committee of B.Tech and M.Tech courses of the University of Kerala.
- Carried out civil works (20 lakhs) in the ECE department in connection with accreditation activities during 2014.
- Convocation committee member, 2015.
- Member of Technical expert committee in Printing Dept. Kerala State and Excise Dept. for purchase of machinery.
- Member of Condemnation Committee, Govt. Medical College, Nursing College and SAT, Trivandrum
- Technical Expert Committee member, State Crime Records Bureau, Thiruvananthapuram for purchase of UHF Hand Held Set 2015
- Anti-ragging squad member of men’s hostel, 2016
- An amount of Rs. 53,768 is sanctioned from CERD for the project ‘Multi- Terrain Surveillance Robot’, during 2016-17 and worked as the Principal Investigator.
- Carried out civil works associated with the construction of FABLAB in College of Engineering Trivandrum for 5 Lakhs during 2017
- Coordinator of FABLAB of CET during 2017
- KTU coordinator of GEC Wayanad during 2018-19
- IPR Cell coordinator of GEC Wayanad, 2018
- Student Union Advisor during 2018-19 of GEC Wayanad