Dr. Alex Raj S M Professor
- alexraj@cet.ac.in
- 9497878895
- EC 210, Old block, ECE Dept.
Professional Experience:
- Worked as Engineer trainee at Keltron, Delhi
- Worked at College of Engineering Adoor as Lecturer
- Worked at GEC Barton hill, GEC Kannur and GEC Idukki as faculty member.
- Coordinated several STTPs and Workshops.
- Delivered expert talks at STTPs conducted by various institutions.
- Professor in Charge of CERD and CERD Innovation Centre at GEC, Barton Hill
- Coordinator of KTU and TBI at GEC, Idukki
- Investigator of AICTE MODROBS Project “Modernization of Microprocessor Lab incorporating VLSI and Embedded Systems Experiments and Projects”
- Investigator of AICTE MODROBS Project “Modernization of Digital Communication Lab for Computer Communication Projects”
- Reviewer of various journals like IET Electronic letters, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy systems, JESTEC etc
Area of Interest:
Embedded System, Image Processing